Wednesday, 23 November 2011


I'm new to making my own hummus.  Daft as I always have tins of chickpeas in the cupboard.  But up to now I've always bought it from the supermarket. I did make it years ago and hated it - way too much garlic, and I'm not partial to tahini.  The recipe I tried today had no garlic and just a tad of tahini.  Because the chickpeas came with salt I shouldn't have added so much extra - uh, teach me to taste as I make!

Simple Tahini

1 Tin Chickpeas, drained
1 tbsp Tahini (unhulled, raw if poss)
.25 tsp ground cumin
.25 paprika (optional)
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
slug of olive oil

Throw all of the ingredients except the salt into a food processor with S blade attachment.  Process until smooth.  Taste and add salt if required, especially if your chickpeas were not in salty water.

There, said it was easy.  Garnish with paprika, parsley, olives, or your favourite topping.  Experiment with adding sundried tomatoes or other flavourings.  Enjoy with crackers, salad, raw veggies, pitta bread, etc.

I'm afraid I didn't photograph it - I was in too much of a rush this morning, but if I did I would want it to look like this, from Living Without website:

I love this bowl!!  Click the pic to go
to the original photo from Living Without


  1. i hate store bought hummus...way to much garlic, I make my own now too but I soak and cook the chickpeas to use in it and I love it!

  2. This is a beautiful blog Emma! Would love to hear more about these healthy food adventures. Thanks for stopping by Apple Blossom Dreams and your nice comment re: the "Emma" plates. My husband, daughter and I also blog about our journey to healthy eating at We are cutting back on processed foods with an eventual goal of eating mostly vegan and mostly raw. We also have a son that is a 100% vegan rawbie and it fascinates me - he feels so good. :-) I have been following your H.A. blog and now will follow this one too in hopes of finding some more inspiration.

    Have a wonderful day!
