So What's It All About?

Following my reading of 'The pH Miracle' by Dr Robert Young this blog will record my successes and failures, my learnng and discoveries, sources of information, ingredients and equipment, and my results as I implement the changes that are required on an alkaline based diet.

I'll show photos of the recipies I make from The pH Miracle, and those that I make up myself, or adapt from other books.  I'll also include photos of ingredients as some may not be so familiar, or the brands hard to find - always helps to know what something looks like I find!

I'd like to incorporate product reviews and even guest bloggers from time to time - let me know if you have an interesting post.

I won't claim to agree with everything that is in The pH Miracle - for instance I have my doubts about the 4 litres of water a day, and I don't have a source of distilled or reverse osmosis water.  Apologies but this strikes me as being a bit American!  I'll be using good quality bottled mineral water such as Evian or Volvic.

And finally please don't think I know anything about anything medical- I don't... I am interested and that's as far as it goes.

So click on the blog header and you'll go straight to my latest post and all the side bar goodies (when they get put in!)..... 

{screaming peas}